Drapas Sport Vital Plus

27,00  inkl. 7% ges. USt.


ith Drapa´s Sport Vital your pigeon will be in an extraordinary condition. Nutrion caused gastrointestinal tract disorders can be avoided, the nosewarts will become snowwhite and the feathers start to shine. Your pigeons will be excellently prepared for breeding and flying. Beside candy and elderberry as well as the juice of red onion, garlic and liquorice root, Sport Vital Plus additionally contains anise, ginger and caraway.


2 weeks before flight: daily 1-2 tablespoons per kg food or per litre water
For breeding: 3x a week, 1-2 tablespoons per kg food and litre water
Flying: Mo,Tue,Wed: 1-2 tablespoons per kg food and litre water


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